Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My goals.

This is the first post for me in this blog , So i thought I'd talk about my dreams. Though i call it goals. Because dreams is something that you dreams , And goals is something you chase to achieve.

My goal ofcourse is to be happy like any other human being. And unlike some people i have to belive that money bring happiness. Chaseing your goals bring happiness. Maybe for some living a simple life as an employee would bring him happiness.

So here's the list of my goals in life:
  1. To be rich , Atleast 50 Million dollar.
  2. To have a huge ship.
  3. Jet of my own.
  4. Loveing wife.
  5. 4 Children. I dont care if they were male or female.
Now i discuss why i choosed these goals. Haveing your personal jets or ship would make me more free. What a human kind dreams more than being free?

Kids , They're the best thing on life. Life is meaningless without haveing children or wife to love and share happy times with.

It may be easy to read but hard to accomplish. I even sometimes wonder how i can do that? But all i know inside my hear i will do it one way or another. No matter with happens. I will stick to my goals.

Call me stupid or an idiot. But these goals i will chase , And never forget. They're carved in my heart.

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