Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Who's my father.

My father name is Saeed Alhashim. He lives in Saudi Arabia , Eastern region , Alkhobar city. He's a buisness man , He owns 2 companies and works most of his time in the stock market.

My father had a hell loads of adventure on his life , He started a buisness with no money to start. He just borrowed some money from friends of his from college , And took loans from the bank , And he started his life contracted , Little by little my father name spread around , And he started building a full house's , With his own labor men. Little by little he became a millionare and started building small tower and office building and mosques , Then he lost all the millions in ONE deal with the goverment. That deal was about to make more 50 mosque and cost millions , So that how my father fell in that end-less vortex , He traveled to the UAE running from all the banks that ask's him for money. Then he worked at UAE with his cousin , He was Shekh zaid councler Abdullah Alhashim. Then he returned 50% of the money he owe to the banks.

He came back to Saudi Arabia , And went to Riyadh to work in any job , He was desperate , His father died when my father was 22 and he was studying abroad in lebanon , So he's the only one to support his family , His bigger brother's was supporting the family also. But he had to do something , He didn't accept the idea of living on his brother's shoulder. So he worked in any job , So he applied for a company called becktel ( or i dont know what it spelled) , So he started as a driver , Though he could speak English very well and he had a degree , But he didn't had anything else to do , In 4 month's he became the vice-CEO (Chief Executive officer) Of that company , He was a problem-solver.

So he hated being an Employee and left Becktel , And started deals with companies out of Saudi Arabia , And start his million road again. Then he get to knew prince Sultan. So he and prince Sultan started buisness togther , They started getting companies for the Military with a help of my father brother who worked as a Commander in the army , The rank before general , So he was a great help. These triangle was a great help for my father , So he went to Real Estate and tried to bring companies and all that.

He fell again , But this time he didn't lose his money , But some of his millions , He put his money in some bank in order to get some huge loans , And this bank fell and its name was "Bank el etmad".

Then he started collecting his money again , He made to companies , One is Gyptech for building material , And other is Gyptech for decorate and other stuff.

And he has some indivual shops that doesent belong to any company , They're just Saeed Alhashim shops. Mostly for plumbing stuff.

My father studied Archicture and Building componets , Then he studied Maste Buisness Degree , Maj ester , He studied all 8 buisness subjects. Finance , Marketing , Advestment ..etc Can't really remember them.
In above all that , My father is a crazy reader , He spends most of his time reading (G.E.E.K ;P) And with his friends , I guess reading is what made him success and even survive these painfull falls as he says.

One of his saying: ( it might not be him personaly , But what he always repeat to me)
"Dreams are the most important things on life , If you chased your dreams they become goals , And goals usually become real"

"Future , Always plan , Plan , Plan , Plan for the future"

"Struggling make you only stronger , And a human always learn from his mistakes"

"Don't let your mistakes stop you from achieveing something in this world"

"Try to give something to the world , If you want the world to give you"

"What makes money great is the people who use's them , Use your money wisely , Spend it wisely , Don't ever forget to help your friends , Family , The poor"

"Knowledge + Dreams are the key to success"

"Luck is still an important factor"

"Life is a game , Win it."

"Try , Try , Try. Dont lose hope."

At the end: Might if you think that my father was stupid to do all , But he's considered successfull on my eyes that he survives such hard falls , And got over them and continued his life. And i wish to follow my father's steps.

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